My soul is interwoven with the immense and ever-changing landscapes of our region, which I express through capturing moments in time on paper and canvas. I usually strive for fidelity to the actual scene, working both from life and also from photographs I’ve taken as I explore the unique beauty of our area. As is fitting for the wide open landscapes and low population of Montana, much of my work revolves around the solitude found in our terrain as a way to capture our human experience. My ultimate objective is to paint landscapes which, while successfully linking those ideas also appear just as engaging from a viewing distance of twenty inches as from a distance of twenty feet — a challenge which should keep me busy until I too pass and become one with the landscape.
This page also includes my other realistic/representational work: still-life, wildlife art, and the like.
Scroll down and take a look! Enabled images will enlarge when you click on them.
As time and budget permit, I intend to turn many of these pieces into prints. If you’re interested in prints when they become available, or in the originals, please use the “contact” tab to let me know!
Autumn, MacDonald Pass; Galen; watercolor, 18x29”; 2023
previously on exhibit at the Holter Museum of Art [original matted & framed, $1600; unmatted giclee print, $400 limited to 10 signed and numbered]
Fairy Lake, Bridger Mountains; Galen; watercolor, 18x29”; 2023
previously on exhibit at the Holter Museum of Art. If you’ve been to Fairy Lake, you know… yes, the water really is that color. [original matted & framed, $1600; unmatted giclée print, $400 limited to 10 signed and numbered]
Hyalite Creek, Gallatin Range; Galen; watercolor, 18x29”; 2023
previously on exhibit at the Holter Museum of Art and at Montana Veterans’ Creative Arts Festival; first prize, watercolor [original matted & framed, $1800; unmatted giclée print, $400, limited to 10 signed and numbered]
Ross Peak, Bridger Mountains; Galen; watercolor, 19x28.5”; 1998; this painting was sold at the Holter Museum’s annual Gala juried art show and auction, with 100% of sales proceeds benefiting the Holter. [Original sold; unmatted giclee print, $400 limited to 10 signed and numbered]
Evening Moonrise over Canyon Ferry Reservoir; Galen; watercolor, 18x29”; 2023 [sold]
Three glass vases; Galen; acrylic on masonite, 18x24”; 2022 [unframed, 150]
Waterlillies, Yellowstone National Park; Galen; acrylic on canvas; 18 x 24 inches, 2022
Ghost Art Gallery award winner, Helena College Showcase 2023 [framed, $450]
Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River; Galen; watercolor; 18x29 inches, 2023 [original matted & framed, $1600; unmatted giclée print, $400 - limited to 10 signed and numbered]
The Veteran in Spring; Galen; Acrylic on Masonite, 2023; 20x24”; previously on exhibit at the Montana Veterans’ Creative Arts Festival, First prize, acrylic painting [NFS]
Early Morning Fog Towards Bridger Canyon; oil on canvas; approx. 1’x5’; 1984 [sold]
Firehole Spring, Lower Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park, Acrylic on canvasboard, 12x16”, Galen McAllister 2024 [unframed, $350]
Silex Spring, Midway Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park, acrylic on canvasboard, 12x16”, Galen McAllister, 2024 [unframed, $350]
Sapphire Pool, Biscuit Basin, Yellowstone National Park, acrylic on canvasboard, 12x16”, Galen McAllister, 2024 [unframed, $350]
Small un-named spring just east of Grand Prismatic Spring, Yellowstone National Park, acrylic on canvasboard, 12x16”, Galen McAllister, 2024 [unframed, $350]
Old Faithful with Bison, Yellowstone National Park, acrylic on canvasboard, 12x16”, Galen McAllister, 2024 [unframed, $350]
Great Fountain Geyser at dusk (steam phase), Yellowstone National Park, acrylic on canvasboard, 12x16”, Galen McAllister, 2024 [unframed, $350]
Two-track near Gold Creek, MT, acrylic on canvasboard, 14x18”, Galen McAllister, 2023 [unframed, $450]
Detail, Autumn, MacDonald Pass
Detail, Fairy Lake, Bridger Mountains
Detail, Hyalite Creek, Gallatin Range