As well as painting and drawing, I work in three dimensions, most often in the form of wood sculpture. I like to make pieces that appear to be simple, but aren’t - both in terms of their construction and their meaning. I often gravitate towards the visual rhythms established by repetitive forms as a way to evoke - but not just portray - the landscape.

Galen ‘Mac’ McAllister, “Awash”, varnished Honduran Mahogany, 2023, 18” w x 27&1/4” l x 24” h [$1600]

previously on exhibit at the Holter Museum of Art and at the Montana Veterans’ Creative Arts Festival; First prize, sculpture

Three Additional views below

Heart in Hand; Galen; plaster cast, black walnut, wire; 6.75” w x 7” l x 9” h; 2023 [$300]

One from waay back in High School… ca. 1977-78. Pine. 17 & 1/4” x 7 & 1/2” w x 2 & 3/4”tall. I’ve always thought that this would be great as a sculpture big enough to walk through… additional views below [NFS]

Not sure whether this is an urban landscape or a mountain ridge… so in a nod to my geologist friends, I’m calling it “Urban Horst”. Red oak and oak-veneered ply with epoxy glazecoat, 5 & 1/4” w x 11 & 3/4” l x 5” h, 2024 [$75]

“Speaks with Forked Tongue” (below), ceramic, 5” h x 4.5” w x 5” l, 2024. My wife says I must keep this one out of sight as it’s disgusting… not exactly how I would have described it. What do you think? (Everyone’s taste is different…) [$75]

“Adrift”, ceramic sculpture, 2024, approximately 9”w x 6”d x 7.5”h, Galen…So the small ceramic ‘wave’ is finished… if you saw my earlier blog post on this one, I wasn’t entirely happy at first - thus the distressed llittle guy I added… who was removed before firing. In the end, I’m happy with how it turned out (below) [$75]

The “Coffee Dragon” is finished!… Um, yes, it’s three dimensional, but it’s also a dragon sculpture. After a period of indecision on how to categorize it, I’ve decided it belongs on the “Fat Happy Dragon Co.” page… thus only one view here. [$400]